
Start saving early for your retirement

Paul Tsholofelo Dhlamini, of Daveyton, writes:

The average person works from the age of 21 until the age of 65; a total of 44 years of employment.

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If you make the smart decision of saving at least R500 a month for those 44 years, you will then end up having deposited R264 000 into your savings plan account.

By the time you retire, you’d have a guaranteed R264 000 plus interest earned, plus whatever retirement package you receive from your job.

Some of us think that the time of our retirement is too far ahead to plan for; therefore we become too comfortable in our procrastinating tendencies.

Well, one thing that is inevitable is that the time will come for us to retire from whatever job we are doing and the privileges of copious amounts of guaranteed monthly income will go away.

The question we have to ask ourselves is, “Will we have saved enough not to worry about our finances when that unavoidable time comes?”

It is time you start saving in your 20s so you don’t have to worry about living life in your 60s.

In the end, having money saved is far better than not having any saved at all.

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