Man’s death could have been prevented

Louis Delport replies to “Tragic fall kills man”, in the paper dated May 20:

It’s with shock and dismay that I read of this tragic event.

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What happened is a tragedy and our deepest sympathy go out to the families involved.

Yet I feel that this could have been prevented if the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) did their job they were tasked to do.

I lay this against the EMM as a disgrace.

As a concerned citizen I feel I should not keep quiet any more and the culprits should be taken to task.

We all need to hold hands now and ensure we build the new South Africa that we all believed in during the Mandela days.

By looking at the picture of the building, I notice that the corners are not locked in nor is there any brick-force or ties that hold the bricks in place as building regulations stipulate.

This event can only be laid squarely on the shoulders of the EMM and the building inspector, and if they had done their work, this would or could not happen.

The building inspector is to blame, and the EMM management that ultimately manage them as they need to ensure that their staff are doing their work correctly.

The contractor also needs to be taken to task, as there are many other people staying in this building that could also be at risk.

Let’s stand up now and hold hands, and make the powers that be feel our dismay, so that they can realise that they work for the people, and not the other way around.

Editor’s note:

Themba Gadebe, EMM spokesperson, replies:

“It is with deep regret that the EMM has to respond to such a tragedy which, according to EMM officials, happened under unforeseen circumstances.

“On Monday May 16, a call was logged with the Emergency Services’ Fire Department concerning this tragic incident.

“Officials went on site, and upon inspection of the building, it was discovered that there are multiple structural defects which include exposed concrete reinforcing bars, cracks on the balcony, water leaks from walls, rusted vertical columns adjacent to the balconies, etc.

“EMM officials wrote a memorandum summarising the findings on the structural defects, a contravention notice, copy of the proof of ownership of the building as well as the photos taken on site, and submitted them to the Eastern Area Manager, Eddie Nkomotse.

“A structural engineer will do the whole building assessment and will come up with a maintenance programme for the whole building.

“Further inspections were conducted on nearby municipal buildings for urgent maintenance.

“The building plan of this building was approved on November 28, 1969.”

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