Whole team to paint one hydrant

Bob Orr, of Farrarmere, writes:

On Monday May 9 I was interested to see the fire hydrant notice opposite my house in Kei Road being painted.

Send your letters to bctletters@caxton.co.za

The workforce comprised one painter for the yellow surround, one painter for the “F H” in red paint, one supervisor/inspector complete with safety helmet and clipboard and five onlookers (perhaps trainees) all wearing orange municipality overalls.

The ironic part of this was that the same team painted the sign six months ago.

They would be more usefully employed cleaning the grass, soil and litter from the gutters at our traffic junctions.

Local residents cut the grass and remove litter in front of their homes and it would be appreciated if the municipality played their part in keeping our town clean by doing the same rather than waste our money on projects as above.

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