Re-direct your kindness

Soula Foord writes:

Thank you Benoni City Times for publishing a brilliant article, “Rehab fails for the 19th time”.

READ: Rehab fails for 19th time

This has reached crisis proportions with around 100 boys who beg at the traffic lights daily and openly spike in the streets, and then collapse in little heaps in doorways, on the pavements outside shops, on cardboard; leaving the evidence of burnt tins and foil behind.

People of Benoni on their way home feel sorry for them and hands come out the window with R20 notes.

Yes, you may say that they will steal if you don’t give them money, but there is a good chance that they will be caught and locked up, and maybe this is the way to go to get them off the streets.

These guys earn on average R120 per day.

Multiply that by 100 and that is R12 000 per day (collectively), which is being spiked into their veins, killing them slowly.

There are animal organisations in desperate need of food, blankets, medication, sterilisation etc.

There are child organisations.

Please re-direct your kindness.

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We park over two parking bays

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