
Nothing to text home about

Peter Bachtis writes by email:

The art of verbal communication has been lost, with the proliferation of this darned thing called a cellphone.

Send your letters to bctletters@caxton.co.za

Observed at a restaurant recently, a young couple walked in, sat down, whipped out these dreadful devices – barely giving enough time to the poor waiter who was attempting to take their order.

For the next hour they drank, ate and never said a word to each other as their fingers frantically sent out text messages.

Can these people not talk, or perhaps, the speech activating side of their brain is dead?

These people come in all shapes and sizes, as they make their way through shopping malls, walking and texting, smiling at the inanities they are reading or looking at on these diabolical devices.

It is a sickness that needs to be remedied post haste, for I fear the future of mankind as we know it will come to no good.

So we need to impose laws that will control these alcoholic texters, such as: No walking and texting; cellphones must be left with restaurant management at the door; so as to encourage conversation and motor vehicles will be fitted with text scrambling devices to stop the madness of driving and texting.

Oh well, that’s my rant for this week.

Next week I will rant about women who apply makeup whilst attempting to drive.

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