In the right place at the right time

Jane and Joe Safr write by email:

My husband was injured on the evening of November 19 at the Benoni Northerns Tennis Club.

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I would like to thank Angie and the paramedics who responded to the call and everyone else involved that night.

On behalf of my husband and myself, I would like send a big thank you to Wesley and Kyle from the cricket section who assisted me.

They gave the paramedics the medical aid details, brought me Joe’s wallet and cellphone, and drove his car to my house.

The help did not stop there.

Wesley drove me to the hospital and both he and Kyle waited with me at the emergency ward while my husband was stabilised and transferred to a ward.

They drove me home that night, popped into the hospital on the Friday to see how Joe was doing and kept in contact the whole weekend to see how he was doing after his operation.

Thank you Wesley and Kyle for all your assistance and support; a guardian angel put you both in the right place at the right time.

We look forward to meeting up with you again after my husband is well enough and are blessed that you have come into our lives.

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