Funds are donated to foundation

Brian writes by email:

I refer to the article ‘Do your part to support Movember month’, on page 7 of the issue dated November 13.

Send your letters to 

I have been a Movember supporter for three years now.

The Movember Foundation (which supports research into men’s health issues, specifically cancer of the prostate and testicles), and Choc, are both extremely deserving causes and charities.

However, to use the Movember banner to raise funds for a different cause is inappropriate.

If the event is to be branded as Movember, (this trademark belongs to the Movember Foundation), then all the monies raised need to be donated to the Movember Foundation for cancer research, unless they have agreed otherwise.

Not so?

Ethan van der Walt, of the Gentlemen’s Drinking Club, replies:

I believe we must have had some miscommunication of some sort?

I was not even aware, until it was pointed out to me, that Choc has been printed in the Benoni City Times.

We do, however, donate all our proceeds to the Movember cause as your concerned reader himself does too.

The mistake may have been mine or just a simple communication error, but I can assure you 100 per cent that every single cent we raised on November 21 will most definitely be donated towards the Movember cause.

I must apologise for any confusion.

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