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Learn life lessons from sport

I set foot on the 12th tee box at Ebotse Links for the 2015 Benoni City Times Buco Charity Golf Day, on September 9 and place my golf ball on the tee.

With my three-wood in hand, I position myself next to the ball and ease into my stance.

With a big swing (I’d like to think) I hack the ball, over the water and onto the fairway.

Not a bad shot for someone without a golf handicap.

I stroll onto the fairway to set up a beautiful second shot much further down the short stuff.

I confidently swing down on the white ball, make contact and hit it into the dreaded water.

What seemed to be a promising hole, now turned into a game of catch up.

Golf is a lot like life: one wrong choice or a small deviation from the path and you could land yourself into very cold water.

How often have you had things planned to a tee, only to be derailed by unfortunate decisions and circumstances?

Although playing sport recreationally is meant for relaxation and an opportunity to clear your head from the rat race, there is a lot to learn from it too.

Having played quite a bit of cricket and golf, I can tell you sport has taught me a lot about life.

Patience. Persistence. Planning. Staying positive. Dealing with tough situations. Having fun.

It not always easy staying positive when you land yourself in deep water, but you always have the option of skipping straight over it. KvdL


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