
Sars … is this our punishment?

Les Wallace of Western Extension writes:

To Sars, is this our punishment?

I retired two years ago, only because I had to.

The education department considers us ready to be put out to grass at the ripe old age of 65.

I have been fortunate to have been offered a post for a further two years (not by the department) and to still be working.

I recently went to Sars to submit my relevant documents.

One would think that we would at least get a pat on the back and a thank you for continuing to work and to be in a position to support ourselves, instead of becoming a burden on the state and the community.

However, they then “punish” us by taxing us heavily for having the audacity to continue working and earning a salary besides our (rather meagre) pension.

Why don’t they “reward” us instead by reducing our taxes substantially and encourage others to carry on working if possible and to be able to earn a living?

It’s becoming rather crowded around the traffic intersections.

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