Oppi fever

Firstly, I’d like to excuse myself for writing about Oppikoppi so much by saying, I am very excited for it.

Secondly, I have to come up with something to fill up the rest of this article.

As you can see, I did come up with a few things, but whereas the experience is immediate for you the reader, it took me some time to pump it out.

Half an hour later…

In keeping with the first sentence, I chose Oppikoppi fever as a subject.

As the time draws nearer, those going to the music festival can feel a definite thickening of excitement within themselves.

Part of the reason might be the fact that it comes only once a year.

Previously, Oppikoppi was a semi-annual (nee Cilliers) event, but I can imagine a slight (heavy emphasis on slight) cut in ecstasy (no pun intended) for those going to both events.

On a side note, I just realised I used three parentheses in one sentence (I’ve already confused myself).

Imagine celebrating New Year’s twice a year, if the logical error doesn’t bother you too much, it would still take away from the special nature of that time.

Now that Oppi is here, social media is lighting up, stores are being emptied (not really, we’re not hooligans, outside of Oppi) and we can’t sleep.

The closer we get to leaving, the more our gaze becomes fixated on the clock, fuelled by past memories and current fantasies.

At the time of writing this article (more of a puff piece, really) the clock stood at three days, six hours, 56 minutes and 25 seconds, 24, 23.

With 162 bands and artists braving the dust to deliver their sweet sounds to the world, 20 000 non-worker bees and more debauchery than circus night in Pompeii (before the lava struck the fan), South Africa’s biggest melodic festival promises to give the happy campers of Mordor (main camp area), the weekend of their lives, for the 21st time.

You should remember however, not to let your enthusiasm get the better of you and make you forget the simple things in life, such as clothes, a tent or wet wipes.

The festival has such a strong magnetic force, that most people will arrive on Thursday this year, even though the rocking only starts on Friday, some will even be pulling through on Wednesday, as soon as the gate opens (Ben, Dave, Alon, I’ll try to contain my envy).

So gear up, buckle up and any other up you can think of, cause it’s time for the Koppi.

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Surviving Oppi

This is the map, you will get lost without it.

Click here for the map and other features.


This is the who’s who and the times they play.

Click here for the full line-up.


This is how you get there.

Click here for the full map.

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