Imagine the impact on the children

Zoë Hipson writes by email:

The Bunny Park debacle has been a bone of contention for decades – yes decades.

If the park’s caretakers are unable to manage the situation they should ask for help.

Other organisations will be only too pleased to assist with their knowledge/expertise.

But please, park’s caretakers, don’t sit on your hands, watching the problem accelerate and doing nothing.

When the lives and health of the animals, who are your responsibility and in your care are in the balance it is criminal.

I append a few suggestions:

* Approach supermarkets, hotels, restaurants for veggie scraps. Then organise a trailer to collect same.

* Approach schools to help clean up, plant grass, etc.

* Ask vets/pharmaceutical companies for medication.

To get revenue:

* Charge a bunch of carrots, or lettuce, etc., as entrance “fee”for a fun day for children or on craft market days.

* Place bins/a trolley at the gate for donations of veggies

The above is not impossible – it is doable.

Come on Rynfield councillor, jump in and do your bit, too.

Authorities who have the power to monitor should regularly so do. Don’t shirk your responsibility.

A smaller area should be segregated and secured for the bunnies.

This will make maintenance/feeding easier to manage, as opposed to the animals running all over the park, which is a large area.

The support of all concerned is necessary to ensure the well-being of the bunnies. Let’s not turn a blind eye.

I believe groups visited the park at the weekend (July 18 and 19) to clean up, put out food and ensure clean water is available.

Adults are distressed by the condition of the bunnies. Imagine the impact on children.

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