Illegal trucking company woes

''Disgruntled plot owner'' writes by email:

I am fed up with estate agents who will say anything to a prospective buyer just to get a sale.

Various small holdings around us have been sold in this manner, the latest being a transport company owner being assured that he can run his business from his plot.

Not so. It is zoned agricultural.

This company arrived en mass on December 31, 2013 and January 1, 2014.

They then proceeded to have a New Year’s celebration that was so loud the police had to be notified.

Since then it has been a constant back and forth of large transport trucks at all hours of the day and night.

As they travel to Africa, they are in convoy, meaning that five to eight trucks leave and arrive at a time, blocking the road to all traffic until they are ready to move.

Our gravel roads are covered with a thin layer of black sealant(?) and are not able to withstand the heavy loads of these trucks.

As a result we have many potholes and patches.

They also work on their trucks on the premises and then proceed to test them at high speeds on our stretch of road.

This also raises the question of where they are dumping their used oil, etc.

We use borehole water for drinking and it would cause a problem with the underground water if they are dumping it in the ground.

They have many staff members living on the property, who also entertain their friends, and this ups the security concerns in the area.

Also, their staff walk down the road to the shop and urinate against our walls, tease our dogs, and are generally obnoxious.

Clr Pieter Henning has been in constant contact with the various council departments, as the company is breaking various municipal by-laws, but it is now 18 months down the line and the council still hasn’t made a plan.

Does this then mean that the agricultural holdings, as we know them, will eventually die out, as the council just doesn’t care to enforce zoning rules?

They will no longer be “residential/agricultural”, just “anything you please”.

Various other property owners who have abided by the council’s zoning are now trying to sell their properties, because of the aforementioned estate agents.

They are being disadvantaged by the council for their honesty.

I would like to see something being done about the illegal company, as well as the dishonest estate agents.

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