LETTER: Village Walk — water problems for two years

Christine E Hanley writes by email:

We are currently experiencing yet another lack of water at the Village Walk in Brentwood Park, and have had this ongoing problem since moving into this area on May 7, 2013, so really, two years with water problems!

One of the most annoying things is that, when the water first vanished at the beginning of the week and the Customer Care Centre (0860 543 000) was contacted, I was advised that it was due to load shedding, that it was just temporary and would be rectified as soon as the pumps were operating again.

At the time of the call, we were not experiencing load shedding, so not sure how they came to that conclusion.

The Customer Call Centre never seems to be aware of any problems, so is never able to actually assist; they just give you a call reference.

However, from various communications that have been received by our complex manager during the past week, from Clive Dunstan’s office, it appears that repairs are being carried out in various places, hence this latest water interruption.

My questions are:

If maintenance/repairs are being carried out, why is the Customer Care Centre not made aware of this, so that correct information is passed on to customers?

If the infrastructure in the area is not sufficient to service our complex, and others in the area, why was building permission given to Central Developments?

And why is further building of similar complexes to ours still going on; surely that is only going to exacerbate the situation?

What is being done to rectify the position in the long term?

Why is our complex not notified when maintenance/repairs cause an interruption in water supply, as tenants in nearby complexes appear to receive such notification, allowing them to plan around the interruptions?

Residents are completely aware that maintenance/repairs have to be carried out, and are delighted if and when they are, but should we not be given correct information, as we currently pay for a service we are not receiving?

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