Advertisers claim wondrous powers

Peter Bachtis writes by email:

The BCT has stooped, or is it elevated itself, in advertising the services of super humans, with extraordinary powers.

I read with wonderment about some of the amazing things these people can do:

They are able to delete loans and, for some lonely souls, they are able to bring back their lost lovers (a woman exclaimed that her husband went back to her, after she had paid R200 for a consultation), they are able to remove bad luck and, oh my gosh … hey, are able to send the tokoloshe back to wherever the little troll resides.

They claim they can help you win the Lotto …what crafty individuals they are!

But, most importantly, they are able to rectify your sexual functions … enlargements seem to be their forte! I do pity our regular medical doctors as they struggle against these versatile individuals.

Now, my dear friends at the BCT, I do understand that you have to constantly look for new revenue streams … but allowing these charlatans to advertise in your weekly publication demeans your lofty position in the world of newspapers, giving you the new status of BCT Rag.

Mumbo jumbo, gobbledygook, drivel, hogwash and tripe.

But, having said all of the above, that specific page will be the highlight of my week, as I look forward to what else these con men and women will come up with.

Viva BCT viva!

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