How dare they steal our park

Keith Gardiner writes by email:

How dare the EMM steal our park?

Despite the most ardent Airfield ratepayer opposition to the development (and therefore loss of parkland) of a large portion of the Phil Erasmus Park (and, obviously large profits to those involved) I am devastated to see that the development is steam-rolling ahead!

Here are the facts:

1 A petition was submitted to the EMM council on about March 25, by our councillor, Gerrie Kriek, and well supported by around 50 representative Airfield ratepayers signatures, showing absolute opposition to the development, proof that NO notices were ever posted and that no registered letters were ever delivered to the immediate neighbours and therefore negating any possible opposition to the development by the local residents.

Here is what needs to happen:

2 Cease the development immediately.

3 To show good faith in this matter and to dispel any doubts of perceived corruption, the EMM needs to provide a detailed history as follows:

3.1 Provide proof to the Airfield residents that notices were posted and that registered letters were delivered to the immediate neighbours in accordance with the law. (We KNOW that this never happened and therefore the sale of the land is fraudulent.)

3.2 Provide to the Airfield residents the COMPLETE history regarding the rather nefarious sale/rezoning/alienation of the portions of the park concerned, stating which parties bought the various portions, when, and for which amount, together with the relevant EMM approval dates and signatories.

We demand to know who has benefited by this blatant theft of ratepayers’ historically bequeathed land!

The whole development stinks, I am sad to say, but I can confidently back up this sentiment with the support of the Airfield residents’ signatures and, until the EMM can become truthful and patently prove that all is above board, that sentiment will remain.

Finally, our mayor has publicly stated that he will fight corruption … now’s your chance to show your true colours Sir.

I would love to be proven wrong!

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