Why do dogs bite … dog teasers are the cause

''Leave my dogs alone'' writes by email:

I have to ask: why do dogs bite – big or small?

Just yesterday (September 14), my three small dogs were playing in our front garden.

Next thing, they were barking furiously at someone or something.

Upon going out of the front door, I noticed my neighbour’s son sticking a broom stick through the palisades to hit my dogs, and then also dragging the stick along the fencing.

Yes, I gave him a piece of my mind.

This is my home, my property and my dogs have every right to roam and play in the garden.

Where are the parents of these children, why are they roaming around on the streets at a young age?

Do children these days not get taught to leave people’s property and animals alone?

I seriously have an issue with this and, please note, if one of my dogs bites your child or anyone else, for being continuously teased, I will, please note, not be paying your doctors bill or any bill relating to the incident.

And yes,’you can run to the SPCA – I have enough witnesses to say what is going on.

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