
Going the extra mile

Christine writes by email:


I went to Dischem Farrarmere on Tuesday, April 29, and when I paid at the till I felt something drop – I knew I didn’t have any change on me, so I didn’t really look nicely to see what it was.

When I got home – I realised my diamond earring had fallen out.

Straight away I called and asked to speak to the manager, Pieter Swanepoel, who took down my details and said he’d call me back.

He called me back 10 minutes later to say they hadn’t found it yet, but would keep looking.

The following morning I went to the store before it opened and they let me in so I could check the floor myself – we still couldn’t find it.

Today, three days later, I received a call from Pieter to say that they had found it.

I rushed there to see if it was mine and to my surprise it was.

Such honest and caring staff.

Thank you so much, especially to Pieter, for going the extra mile and making my day.

I am truly thankful.

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