Deaf to residents’ plights

For months now we have been reporting the deteriorating state of the road surface in Sapphire Street, close to the Mercury Street intersection, due to a water leak, and have not had so much as a word from the contact person at the Benoni Council, to acknowledge that it will be repaired.

We now, once again, are playing dodgems with potholes which have formed due to the constant water leak from the pavement, with cars swerving left and right to avoid the deep holes in the road.

To add to the misery, we have requested that traffic calming measures be considered for the very busy intersection of Sapphire and Ametis streets, where the entrances and exits to two restaurants are situated opposite each other, with very heavy traffic loads moving in and out of the properties, resulting in many near-accidents involving inconsiderate drivers.

Sapphire Street is also used by parents dropping off their children at the school in the suburb, heavy delivery trucks and heavy articulated trucks which regularly speeding along, along with speeding motorcyclists, the residents themselves, and many pedestrians walking to and from their destinations.

All we ask is that the road be equipped with some form of traffic calming measure, as simple as a speed bump, to slow every one and make the area safer for all concerned.

And guess what? We were turned down on that request, as it is not considered a problem area!

What is it going to take for the council to actually notice that there is a problem here – a serious accident, with loss of life and limb and property damage?

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