
Our landlord is from hell

"Suffering tenant" writes by email:

To the landlord who has tenants from hell: we wish you were our landlord, as we have the opposite – A landlord from hell.

Our landlord is autocratic, rude, abusive and totally unreasonable.

He let us a house that was incomplete, in January, with promises to finish it all and fix all the many problems.

It is now seven months down the line and he is finding every excuse not to complete the house.

He made us promises about garaging and a number of other things which he has not kept and has no intention of keeping.

He did most of the building himself and the construction work is shoddy, incomplete and of a very poor standard – definitely not to proper building standards.

The builder he did have walked off the job. He told us he wasn’t paid properly and was not prepared to take the shortcuts he was instructed to take.

Before we signed the lease the owner made so many promises, but once we had signed he changed into a completely different person.

We contacted our attorney, who advised that we get in the building inspector to inspect the house and give a report. He found that the buildings are illegal as no plans were submitted or approved – there are no compliance certificates and, according to them, it renders our lease null and void and still this autocratic person insists we are bound by the terms of his lease, regardless of whether the buildings are compliant or not!

We are living in an uncomfortable and untenable situation; the area is disgusting – dirty, untidy and unkempt and the buildings shoddy, and he couldn’t care at all – he even charges us more than the council rate for electricity and thinks he can get away with it!

This landlord is a man with no honour or integrity and we, as tenants, seem to have no rights at all.

You have our sympathy – it is awful to feel so helpless!

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