For the sake of our children

Farouk Araie of Benoni writes by email:

Child abuse, and the physical brutal assault on children by their parents, is a problem reaching epidemic proportions in South Africa.

The extreme of child abuse is murder.
One can assume that authorities declare a childs death to be murder only under the most extreme and blatant circumstances.
Perhaps the less fortunate children are those who do not die as a result of abuse, those who must live in pain and fear throughout childhood.
Why do husbands beat their wives?
Why do so many of us support capital punishment?
Why do we find so much entertainment in films and television programmes that depict physical violence?
The answer is that we are a physically violent society and that child abuse represents one aspect of that violence.
The problem of child abuse is not just a problem of certain adults assaulting certain children, but rather it is deeply rooted in the fabric of our entire society.
The pain we inflict on our children is not just a heinous crime, but a grave sin that offends Almighty God, and wounds human dignity.
Child abuse is one of our nations most serious public health problems.
It occurs at every socio-economic level, within all ethnic groups, cultures and religions, and at all levels of education.
We must return to the fundamental principles of our humanity. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
How can children enjoy liberty and happiness when adults inflict pain upon them and deprive them of physical affection?
We are architects of violence against ourselves and our children, and we are the ones who must change the moral architecture of our civilization.
Please publish this letter for the sake of our children.
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