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Community donates fence to golf club

To assist with costs incurred the club undertook to replace the gates leading onto the first-nine.

Tireless fundraising and mutual partnerships have resulted in the first nine of the Benoni Lake Club having a new, sturdy fence.

For the past decade, members of the Lake West Residents Association have pleaded with the Ekurhuleni Metro to replace the rickety wire fence surrounding the facility in an attempt to further secure the neighbouring suburb as well as players at the club.

“The fence surrounding the greens was tatty, rusted and completely out of date. It did not complement the aesthetics of the club,” said Glynis Holdsworth, of the association.

“Growing tired of making endless applications to the metro, we decided to partner with the club to host a fundraising golf day.”

Although tee-off took place in 2021, the funds raised fell short of the R200 000 mark and additional fundraising was needed.

“Realising the importance to have the 610m stretch of fence replaced, residents heeded our call to further contribute and finally we are able to officially hand the fence over to the club,” said Holdsworth.

During the official hand-over on August 10, club chairperson Robbie Frank said that to achieve results which benefit communities as well as businesses it is vital to establish mutual partnerships.

“It was glaringly evident that replacing the fence was not high on the metro’s priority list, but look at it now,” said Frank.

“We achieved our goal and it looks great. It is a true reflection of what can be achieved if we all work together.”

Frank said that he is grateful for the community of Lake West’s continued support throughout the years and looks forward to partnering with them in future.

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