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Letter to the Editor: Your pavement is your problem

Email your Letter to the Editor to benonicitytimes@caxton.co.za.

Doris van Vuuren, Benoni, writes:

While it is evident that the council has a lot on their plate trying to get the rubbish collection back on track, I think the citizens of Ekurhuleni are also in general failing to take responsibility for the state of our cities.

Most pavements are a disgrace, even those outside shopping centres, restaurants and other businesses. The overgrown grass and litter are ignored by the business owners, who seem to think as long as their premises are clean inside nothing else is their responsibility.

What would it take to get someone with a weed eater to cut the grass and pick up the litter so that your business can look beautiful inside and out?

These businesses may think nobody notices their neglect of the pavement area, but it is hardly unnoticeable – it is a complete eyesore!

Yes, as far as we are aware it is the council’s job to keep pavements neat and clean but judging by the shape most pavements, traffic islands and the like are in this is obviously not being done.

The other thing that brings neighbourhoods down is people who don’t keep the area outside their homes neat while their neighbours do.

It’s easy to moan. Rather do something about cleaning up the area around your home and business.

If we all did this Benoni can maybe start to look like ‘the jewel of the East Rand’ again.

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ALSO READ: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Mismanagement to blame for city’s decay


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