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Guides share their travels with Trefoil Guild

Local guides share tales of their long awaited trip to the UK

After waiting in quiet anticipation for two years, a group of six rangers from the Benoni Girl Guides were able to fulfil their dreams of travelling to the UK.

With suitcases bulging at the seams, the troop, accompanied by two senior Guides, visited Pax Lodge, which is one of Guiding’s five World Homes, as well as Brownsea Island where Lord Baden Powell hosted the first experimental Scout camp.

Speaking during a visual presentation at the Benoni Trefoil Guild meeting on November 19, Elaine van Zyl, adult leader, said that the experience was truly life-changing.

The travelling troop realised how relevant the movement as well as its disciplines are throughout the world.

“I was introduced to Guiding more than seven years ago and found kinship with my fellow guides as we are led by the same values,” said Karabo Mokemane, who was part of the trip.

“Within the movement, we are encouraged to be ourselves and are given the space to develop and build confidence.”

For Koketso Keele, the UK experience has ignited a lust to further explore the world while putting the knowledge that she has attained through the Girl Guides into practice.

“Travelling to the UK was amazing as we did not only visit key Guiding locations, but we learnt so much from the local Guides,” she said.

“It is an experience I will treasure for life.”

Although both Koketso and Karabo have both launched into their tertiary studies they remain committed to the Guides and encourage girls to join the movement that not only teaches traditional survival techniques.

“The Girl Guide movement is committed to reinventing its teachings to stay relevant in the ever-changing world,” said Elaine.

“We pride ourselves in shaping girls into becoming strong goal-orientated individuals who can become strong future leaders.”

For more information about the Benoni district movement or to become a member, email benonirangers@gmail.com

ALSO READ: Trefoil Guild hosts Moira Simpson

ALSO READ: Trefoil Guild Pop-up Movie moved to August 31


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