St Dunstan’s Harriet fills her mom’s shoes with pride

“Having a focus can protect you from many societal challenges,” said Mponyane.

Harriet Mpanyane (62) has been a dedicated domestic worker at St Dunstan’s Anglican Cathedral on 103 Woburn Avenue for 18 years.

She credits her mother, Lydia Maele (87), for inspiring her long service.

“I started working at the cathedral to help my mother when she became ill. I eventually took over from her,” Harriet said.

Before working at the cathedral, Harriet was a caregiver for the sick.

She describes her mother as a remarkable woman.

“My mother is an inspiration. As a single parent, she did so much for our family in Limpopo.”

Although Harriet is her mother’s only biological daughter, she cared for many others throughout her life. She fondly remembers her mother’s love.

“She sent us letters and money through the post office, which made us feel cherished. I value her teachings, especially the importance of respect.

“I had big shoes to fill when I took over from my mom at St Dunstan’s. She was hardworking and loved by many. I’ve tried to maintain her good reputation at the cathedral.”

Looking ahead, Harriet plans to retire soon to spend more time with her family and focus on her tuck shop.

For Women’s Month, she encourages women to prioritise self-care, education, faith and independence.

“Having a focus can protect you from many challenges,” is her advice.

Churchwarden Graeme McIntyre praised Harriet’s dedication, saying, “Harriet has done an incredible job. She knows this place inside and out and can identify which key belongs where at a glance.”

Harriet Mpanyane works at St Dunstan’s Cathedral in Benoni.

A day in Harriet’s life
Harriet starts her day at 08:00.

“I begin by deactivating the alarm covering the entire church building. Then I clean the offices and prepare tea. I continue with event preparations if needed and ensure the church is clean since this is where everything starts daily,” she explained.

Her duties
Harriet is responsible for making tea for the staff, dusting the pews, altars and other surfaces, and cleaning the floors by vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping.

The church hosts many events, such as funerals, and Harriet helps with them and the feeding scheme every Wednesday. She usually takes Saturdays off if there are no events, which is rare.

On Sundays, Harriet opens the church, helps with refreshments after the service and locks up afterwards.

Harriet’s favourite memories come from interacting with the congregation, helping with event preparations, receiving warm hugs and seeing the happy faces of people when she completes her tasks perfectly.

“I love seeing their appreciative faces when everything is done well,” she said.

Her faith
Harriet describes herself as very faithful, saying, “I trust and believe in God at all times.”

For Harriet, the cathedral is more than just a workplace; it feels like home.

“I grew up here because my mother worked here before me, and I took over when she retired. All my childhood memories are tied to the cathedral. I’ve witnessed many baptisms, confirmations, marriages and the passing of loved ones here.”

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