Colourful celebrations at Hindu temple

The temple is committed to empowering women and cultivating a culture of respect.

The Arulmighu Shri Anantha Muthumariamman Temple in New Modder erupted in colour as devotees converged to celebrate the unveiling of the largest statue of the Hindu goddess Shri Anantha Muthumariamman, in the southern hemisphere, recently.

Known as the goddess of healing and prosperity, the statue graces the grounds as a beacon of hope for the community at large.

Founder and spiritual head guru Vishendrin Vijay Kumar, the dedicated priest, said that during his time spent in India he felt a deep desire to erect a statue of this nature in Benoni, thus making the rich Hindu heritage and culture accessible to all.

The newly erected Shri Anantha Muthumariamman Arulmighu Shri statue, the largest in the southern hemisphere now stands at the Anantha Muthumariamman Temple, in New Modder.

“I hope this statue will serve as a reminder that we are all responsible for ensuring that the women in our community are empowered,” said Kumar.

“We need to respect, honour and appreciate women, our mothers and mother nature while we remain appreciative for all they give us.”

With Shri Anantha Muthumariamman lovingly looking down at her flock, devotees dressed in hues of radiant green and yellow gathered at the temple on July 21, to participate in the second annual fire walking festival.

Kumar explained that the festival known as Aadi Maasam Amman Theemithi Thiruvizha is a ritual practiced by Shakti Agama.

Devotees gather at the start of the fire walk festival. Photo: Eagle Naran

“Devotees are invited to walk over a bed of coals,” he said.

“Dedicated to goddess Shakthi, the female deity associated with Shaktism in South Indian and Tamil culture is an act of purification as a vow to walk on fire in exchange for a blessing being granted.

“The fire walk further represents goddess Draupadi who walked on fire to prove her innocence.”

ALSO READ: Devotees gather for first fire walk

ALSO READ: Temple gets facelift


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