New chairperson in the saddle at Benoni SPCA

The society thanked its donors, members of the public and friends of the SPCA for their continued support.

The four-year tenure of Benoni SPCA chairperson Diane Wooldridge has come to an end.

This announcement was made at the society’s 2023/24 AGM on July 9 at the Benoni Lake Club where Paul Finney was officially elected as the new chairperson.

Wooldridge said she’ll still be part of the committee to assist and serve the community.

Congratulating the new SPCA chairperson, Paul Finney is the former chairperson, Diane Wooldridge.
The Benoni SPCA committee surprised Diane Wooldridge with flowers to wish her well after heading up the chairperson’s portfolio for years.

The Benoni SPCA’s 2023/24 financial year was characterised by severe economic challenges. However, the society managed to sustain its stable financial position.

Presenting her chairperson’s report, Wooldridge said they suffered a blow when they had to replace one of their vehicles, which was stolen in February. She highlighted that another vehicle is also not in a good state.

“Mark Stuart Downing has worked long and hard to get Benoni SPCA financials into a reasonably strong position. Having to replace two vehicles will make a huge dent in anyone’s finances.

“We need another inspector to assist Thomas Mohlake, who although is doing a great job, the area we cover is far too large for one person. Hopefully, our search will be fruitful very shortly.”

She said there’s a dire need for a field officer who will assist the inspectors to cover outreach programmes.

ALSO READ: Attend Easter egg hunt at Benoni SPCA

Reflecting on the positives, Wooldridge said they managed to purchase a borehole to enable them to save a huge amount on municipality fees.

“Thanks to Monique Quenet and her fundraising powers, we are now able to install heating lights in one of our kennel blocks. We hope to install warmth in all our kennels soon. We will also install a new catio very soon to enable our cats to be cats so that they can climb trees and dig in the ground.”

Presenting her chairperson’s report is the Benoni SPCA chairperson, Diane Wooldridge.
Benoni SPCA inspector Thomas Mohlake.
Benoni SPCA manager Jacques Cronje said 244 dogs and 130 cats were adopted during the 2023/24 period.

She thanked the public, donors and friends of the SPCA for their continued support.


The following statistics show exactly how busy the society is.
• 244 dogs and 130 cats were adopted.
• 245 dogs and 130 cats were sterilised.

Benoni SPCA manager Jacques Cronje said two veterinary practices have come on board to assist with a few free sterilisations of animals monthly, for those who cannot afford sterilisations for their animals.

Cronje said special recognition goes to, Josh, a volunteer at the SPCA who amounted over 500 volunteering hours throughout the year.

Presenting his report is Mark Stuart Downing.


Presenting the treasurer’s report, Downing said the income for the year they received from adoptions, boarding fees, charity shop, donations and others slightly increased from R3 590 149 to R3 675 623.

The society saw an increase in adoption income from last year’s R151 350 to 157 966.

Total operating expenses slightly decreased to R3 523 493 compared to last year’s R3 548 231.

Inspector’s report

Benoni SPCA inspector Mohlake said his department had a tough year due to factors of being under-resourced and staffed.

He said they received 188 cruelty complaints, issued 74 warnings and notices and rescued 461 animals after hours. He indicated that five cases of animal cruelty were opened during the 2023/24 period.

A total of 31 routine inspections were conducted at abattoirs, security companies, stable yards, pet shops, farms, the Bunny Park and hawking sites.

How can you help?

ALSO READ: Be part of SPCA golf day to do a ‘hole’ lot of good


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