Guides make sleeping bags for the homeless

Girl Guides has caring in the bag

The Benoni Blue Forest Girl Guides recently put their crafting skills to good use by making 30 sleeping bags for the homeless.

Partnering with Derick Prowling from Heart Reach Ministries, members spent their day taping, folding and insulating these cost effective and weather-proof bags, using only industrial strength plastic and copies of the Benoni City Times, donated by Caxton Local Media.

Prowling launched the initiative in 2023 after researching the design used by a Cape Town-based organisation.
He decided to mimic the sleeping bag design as it offers users protection and insulation against the elements.

“Consisting of plastic and newspapers, the sleeping bag only has user value,” he said.

“Therefore it will not benefit anyone through sale but will offer warmth and comfort during the cold winter months.”

Members of the community involvement organisation, the Humanity Foundation (HF), were on hand passing tape and holding corners as the industrious guides got to work.

“We used this opportunity to chat with the members about the need for the youth to become active participants in community outreach projects,” said one the HF founding members, Pierre Marneweck.

“Members of the Girl Guides are well-rounded and informed about the plight of others. It is heart-warming that young people are invested in the well-being of those in need.”

Before handing their contributions over the Prowling, the enthusiastic members surrounded the campfire and snuggled into some of the sleeping bags for the evening.

“Not only did they spend the day making these items of comfort, they experienced what a huge impact it can have on the lives of those living on the street,” said Marneweck.

For more information regarding Heart Reach Ministries, visit the website at or follow them on Facebook.

ALSO READ: Ministry makes sleeping bags for homeless

ALSO READ: Foundation tackles community solutions


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