Mandela Day: Bicycle eases pressure on student

“The bicycle will help a lot.”

Ngwako Ntlame promised the kind Benonians who gifted him a bicycle on Mandela Day on July 18 that he would continue working hard on his studies and try to pass all his subjects with distinctions.

The second-year Ekurhuleni East College (EEC) finance and management student said the bike was a welcome relief, adding that it would ease the pressure he has been under.

“The bicycle will help a lot. I was always tired because my course is demanding. Thank you very much for this. I promise you all that I will work hard and pass all my subjects with distinctions,” he said.

Ngwako Ntlame.

The Palm Campus Education Centre sponsored the bicycle after Ward 27 Clr Lornette Joseph asked residents in her ward if they would be willing to donate one to a needy student.

Joseph received a plea from EEC lecturer Bev Riley, who told her she had a learner who walked to and from the college daily from Cloverdene.

“Within 10 minutes of putting out the plea, I received messages with offers of bikes,” said Joseph.

Ward 27 Councillor Lornette Joseph poses with Ngwako Ntlame who was a gifted a bike by Palm Campus in Northmead.

“I’m very fortunate in my ward. The residents of Ward 27 are some of the most generous people I know. They open their hearts to so many of the pleas I put out. I couldn’t be prouder to be their councillor.”

Ntlame stays in a shack with his unemployed elder brother while his mother, also unemployed, lives in Limpopo.
This daily commute often left Ntlame tired and struggling to concentrate in class. But he’s never deliberately missed a day of school because he is “committed and motivated to succeed” to change his family’s current situation.

“I’m motivated. I live in a shack. It’s cold at night. I arrive home late and tired because of the walking. But I’ve never allowed this to discourage me from doing my homework.

Ekurhuleni East College lecturer Dorcas Matseke, Ward 27 Councillor Lornette Joseph, lecturer Bev Riley and college campus manager Violet Matjila with Ngwako Ntlema and his bicycle.

“I want to succeed and change my situation at home. I also want this to be a lesson to others not to be discouraged by poverty.”

Matseke described Ntlame as a humble and hard-working student, adding that it’s heart-warming that the community came through for him.

“I’ve taken him under my wing. He’s a humble student. He’s always in class, and despite his daily commute, he’s never missed a day of school,” she said.

Ward 27 Councillor Lornette Joseph and Ngwako Ntlame.

The lecturer said she can’t sit by and watch Ntlame suffer because she wants him to complete his studies.

“I spoke to Mrs Riley. She asked for help in her community group. I’m so grateful. I’m happy Ngwako can now focus on his studies without any hassles.”

Ntlame thanked Matseke and Riley for their help.

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