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Joy Clinic stands against substance abuse

The clinic's proactive approach not only addressed the immediate health needs of people but also focused on social ills.

Despite the cold, the Etwatwa community gathered at Joy Clinic on June 26 to commemorate International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and the clinic’s open day.

The theme for the day was ‘The Evidence is Clear: Invest in Prevention’.

The day began with an aerobics session that saw clinic staff and community members join forces in a spirit of health and unity.

Physical fitness was encouraged.

Adelaide Motete, the health promoter at Joy Clinic, highlighted the importance of the event.

“We not only celebrate International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, but we are also seizing the opportunity to educate our community about the services available here.


Some people are not unaware that they can access quality healthcare services at local clinics, at no cost. Open days like these help to prevent patients from seeking costly options elsewhere.”

Adelaide Motete a health Promoter at Joy Clinic.

The manager of Joy Clinic, Zandile Tino, said they were delighted with the turnout.

“An informed population is making informed decisions. By educating our community about the services the clinic offers, we hope to empower individuals to make healthier choices and resist the pressures of drug abuse and trafficking.”

Sepeta Mashigo, a community member, said: “As elderly people, events like this are really helpful because we get to learn more about the issues facing our grandchildren who often do not want to listen to us when we warn them about drugs and illicit trafficking.”

Sepeta Mashigo ,a community member was happy to do aerobics.

Also Read: WATCH: Authorities march against drug use

Also Read:LETTER: Hear! Hear! Crystal Park Clinic is tops

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