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LETTER: Worst voting experience ever

Send your Letter to the Editor to benonicitytimes@caxton.co.za.

“Shirley”, Benoni, writes:

I had nothing but great experiences at all previous voter days.

However, voter day at Rynpark 1 was a disaster.

We arrived and there were two queues, so I asked a security gentleman barring the way further up which queue we should be in.

We were directed to the one that was supposedly for pensioners and people with small children (although I saw many people of different ages).

ALSO READ: Rynpark voting debacle under scrutiny

After standing in the queue for two hours and moving about 15m, an IEC representative started shouting at everyone in my queue that we were in the wrong queue. Apparently, it wasn’t even supposed to be a queue.

Keep in mind that there was previously no IEC rep to advise who should go where, and that we should join the other queue, which was about 500m long!

Of course, everybody refused.

She decided to stop our line from moving forward for at least another 45 minutes.

Then the cutest tiny lady came out and took charge. She was letting a few in from the one queue, then a few from the other queue.

The young lady was the epitome of professionalism, helpfulness and pleasantness.

Another 1.5 hours later, I made my mark.

ALSO READ: IN PICTURES: Benoni Baptist Church Voting Station


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