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Adventurous mom relives Mt Kili highs

Through grit, resilience and the comfort of a private loo, Rita Sprenzel summited Mount Kilimanjaro.

The full moon sat high in the sky last August 30 when seven intrepid climbers from Benoni set out on the final leg to summit Mount Kilimanjaro.

On May 23, Rita Sprenzel, an active Garland Ladies Luncheon Club member, relived the moment she watched the sunrise from the highest peak in Africa.

Nervously, Rita looked out at a packed Katse Room at Ebotse. The room was abuzz with chatter as the Garland ladies and 31 guests took their seats.

“I might have summited a mountain, but none of my rigorous training prepared me to speak in front of a room full of women,” she said as she did a last-minute check to ensure her journey presentation was on cue.

With a hearty welcome and a reassuring introduction from club president Margie Kostelac, Rita took to the podium, with the top of her head visible from behind her laptop.

Stepping into view, her face lights up when images of the magnificent Kili fill the screen.

“For several years, I would surf the net, looking at travel packages to climb Kilimanjaro. It felt like the snow-capped peak was beckoning me. But life, work and family responsibilities would always call me back to reality, so this dream became dormant,” she said.

“One day, I found myself at home alone. My two beautiful children have left home and are pursuing their dreams. A knee replacement had again given me the gift of movement, and I needed a challenge, something I could selfishly pursue for my sole purpose. The desire to climb Kilimanjaro started drumming in my heart, and with my husband’s unwavering support, I started the journey.”

Rallying fellow Benonians, who soon became dear friends and main characters in the Kili dream, Rita started preparations, researching training requirements, accommodation and equipment.

Calendar dates were soon circled, with Rita and her fellow climbers planning to complete their final ascent during the full moon.

“The moon has great significance for me. It signifies the various growth cycles we go through in life,” said Rita.

“Through preparation and finally summiting, I conquered my fears, became resilient and, most importantly, developed an immense gratitude for life’s boundless opportunities.”

As part of her adventure, Rita used the opportunity to raise funds for the Apricot Tree Centre, a developmental school for children with limited physical and mental abilities.

“I wanted this journey to be a milestone in my own life and positively impact the lives of others,” she said.

“As I stood on top of that majestic mountain, I saw the faces of every Apricot Tree learner. Their faith in my abilities carried me to my goal, and their lust for life ignited a flame in my soul.”

As the screen flipped over to its last slide, Rita’s smile revealed a soul which has experienced fulfilment.
In celebration of her 60th birthday next year, Rita will endeavour to conquer Machu Picchu in Peru (a 2 430m mountain ridge).

The Garlands will meet again on June 27.

For more information about the club or to become a member, email Margie Kostelac at margie.h@mweb.co.za

ALSO READ: Garlands get to the root of self-discovery

ALSO READ: Kili – a climb for a cause


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