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Realtors help knitters make a difference

Eddy House’s grey foxes have partnered with Harcourts Blue to create magnificent warm woollies for the needy.

Being a real estate agent is about more than just selling a house, it is about contributing to a community to make it feel like home, says Harcourts Blue’s sales manager, Desiré McDonald.

To expand its local footprint, the agency recently joined hands with Eddy House’s Stitches knitting circle to create knitted and crocheted items in aid of the Matthew 25 Project.

Under the banner ‘donate to create’ the keen needle-wielding oldies donated 10 handmade blankets as well as clothing to the initiative, with Harcourts reciprocating with a cash donation towards the circle’s wool expenses.

“The city’s elderly community are the custodians of art forms such as knitting,” said McDonald.

“They spend countless hours creating these magnificent works of art, yet often they have no one to pass it on to.

Hard at work are members of the Eddy House Stitches knitting circle. They are Maureen Smith, Angeline McCue and Dolores Nunes.

“We envision partnering with many local knitting circles ensuring they have an abundance of yarn to continue creating while ensuring that their labours of love are wrapped around a person in need.”

According to Sheila Mcclure, a member of the home’s Stitches group, they jumped at the opportunity to partner with the business.

“Our circle is a place where we socialise, and bear our hearts all while hooking and looping stitches onto our needles,” said Mcclure.

“Creating keeps us occupied and now it further gives us purpose. It warms our hearts knowing that someone will benefit from our granny’s love.”

McDonald invites knitting circles throughout the city to join the initiative, for more information call 082 822 8263.

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