CPF TIP: Do not let strangers in your house

Do not fall victim to crime, report any suspicious activity.

The Benoni CPF has received increasing reports from residents claiming criminals are attempting to gain access to properties.

Despite no reports of house robberies, the CPF warns residents of some criminals’ latest tactics used to draw residents out of their homes.

It is alleged individuals throw stones or other items at homes, incessantly ring the gate buzzers or shout outside the gates to draw attention.

It is suspected criminals use these tactics to draw residents out of the safety of their homes, where they could be overpowered.

Crucial tips to remember:
• Keep your gates closed and locked at all times, especially if you do not expect visitors.

• If someone is at your gate, use either intercom or video systems to communicate without opening the gate or leaving your home.

• If you notice suspicious behaviour, do not engage with the person/s. Contact your security provider, CPF members or SAPS immediately.

• If you see individuals behaving suspiciously outside your property, do not go outside but report it immediately.

• Ensure your domestic staff know not to allow anyone onto your property unless you have informed them. Where possible, provide staff with a name, contact details, and vehicle registration numbers should a third-party service provider need access to your home.

• Report any suspicious activity, no matter how minor it might seem.

ALSO READ: CPFs get a boost from provincial government

ALSO READ: CPF TIP OF THE WEEK: Criminals just itching to get into your home


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