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Donate your As, Bs and Os

Blood stocks remain low ahead of the upcoming long weekends.

The Northmead SANBS donor centre erupted in laughter as Juan Rossouw and George van Wyk of Delmas visited the facility to make their regular blood donation.

“Sorry for not coming earlier. I needed to send my mom a smoke signal to tell her where we are,” Juan joked.

“Cellphone signals have not reached us in Delmas yet.”

Taking their seats the pair continued to joke, passing time as they filled their 480ml bags with live-saving blood.

“I am O+ and Juan is O-,” said George.

“We realise that our contributions will help someone in need. That is why we make a point of donating regularly. It is rewarding to know that such a small act can have such a big impact on the lives of others.”

With the Easter weekend looming, the SANBS warns that it currently has three and a half days’ worth of O+ blood supplies nationally.

Before stocking up on snacks for the long road, pop in at your local SANBS donor centre, roll up your sleeve and donate your As, Bs and Os.

Each donation can potentially save up to three lives.

Who can donate?
• Donors must be between the ages of 16 and 75.

• Weigh a minimum of 50kg and 55kg for platelets.

• Be in good health.

• Lead a low-risk lifestyle.

• If you consider your blood safe for transfusion.

• Had a balanced meal within four hours of donating blood.

Donations can be made every 56 days or 14 days for platelets.

The Northmead Donor Centre, at 42 Fourteenth Avenue, is open from 10:00 to 18:00 daily and from 08:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays.

For more information call 011 897 4951.

ALSO READ: VOX: Is your fear of needles greater than the need of those requiring urgent blood donations?

ALSO READ: #14JuneWorldBloodDonorDay: Roll up your sleeves and save a life


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