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Comrades looking for volunteers for 97th race

If you are interested, go to https://volunteer.comrades.com/comrades-2024

The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) is looking for around 5 000 volunteers to assist in the lead-up to and during the Comrades Marathon on June 9.

The race will be an up-run, starting outside the Durban City Hall at 05:30 and finishing at the HollywoodBets Scottsville Racecourse in Pietermaritzburg, for the first time since 2019.

This year, the CMA faces the challenge of recruiting volunteers to assist members of the Race Organising Committee in three primary areas; namely at the start, which includes both the setup of the start area on Saturday and the marshalling of athletes on race day; at the finish (which includes both the build-up of the finish venue over the two weekends ahead of the race and the marshalling of athletes and supporters on race day, in addition to performing the duties of marshals along the route on race day.

CMA race and operations manager, Ann Ashworth has called on prospective volunteers to join their band of helpers.

“We would be so grateful if you, your friends, family and supporters would consider assisting the Comrades Marathon Association during and/or in the lead up to the race this year,” said Ashworth.

Ashworth, a former Comrades winner, said the volunteers will work shifts on days and at times that work for them.

Alternatively, they will be able to choose where along the route they would like to take up post as a marshal, said Ashworth.

“Volunteering, as the term suggests, is a voluntary act of an individual or group freely giving of their time, labour and skills (i.e. without any expectation of payment or compensation). Comrades volunteers are specifically trained in the areas or portfolios in which they are required.”

According to Ashworth, the volunteers will receive hands-on guidance and upskilling, where necessary, by seasoned and senior race organising committee portfolio heads.

The CMA explained there’s a limit on the number of people for each portfolio and additional volunteers may be deployed to other portfolios, not necessarily of their choosing.

“The race cannot happen without volunteers. We appeal to you to step in and proactively contribute to the future safety and success of the world’s oldest and largest footrace.”

If you are interested, go to https://volunteer.comrades.com/comrades-2024

Also Read: CMA reveals Comrades Marathon distance and cut-offs

Also Read: CMA pays tribute to legendary runner 616 Barry Varty


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