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Anns induct 52nd club president

The club prides itself in immersing itself in projects that spread hope and offer care to those in need.

With the clinking of glasses and energetic chatter, the Benoni van Ryn Rotary Anns gathered at the La Como Lifestyle Estate, on June 28 to induct their 52nd club president.

For more than five decades, the club and its members have been committed to touching the lives of others with gentle care, a primary function which newly elected president, Cheryl Jennings, hopes to further build on.

“As I approached retirement, I thought my time as a Rotarian will also simply fade into the background as I prepare to embark on new adventures during this new chapter in my life,” she said.

“However, I was drawn to the efficient compassion this club’s Anns exude and therefore put a pause on lapping up the luxuries of retirement by shifting my focus to this wing of service.”

Newly inducted Benoni van Ryn Rotary Ann president, Cheryl Jennings.

Jumping into action and availing herself to the club’s functions, Jennings served as secretary to outgoing president Pricilla Fuller, a task at her own admission, she performed dismally.

“What I lacked as a star performer in this post, I disguised with genuine vigour and zeal. Thank you for tolerating my inaptitude and trusting me to step into the position of club president,” she said with a giggle.

“I undertake this enormous task with hope and confidence. I know with my incredible board’s support we will once again achieve great things while stirring up renewed interest from younger prospective Anns.”

Receiving a certificate of recognition is Maureen Fox (left) with outgoing club president Pricilla Fuller.

Addressing her club’s feisty members during her brief but colourful report, Fuller said that the highlight of her 2022/23 term was the club’s ability to successfully revive the Beautiful Gardens of Benoni tour.

“The event garnered great support for members of the community, with more than a thousand tickets sold, over two days,” said Fuller.

“The day’s success helped us provide nutritious food packs to various schools, empower local boys and girls and supply desks to schools in need.”

Newly inducted Benoni van Ryn Rotary Ann members are Wendy McKeen (left) and Lynne Mehigan with Pricilla Fuller (middle).

Other outreach projects included assisting families affected by the Boksburg gas tanker explosion, buying wool for their beanie and jersey project, assisting with the maintenance of the Korsman Bird Sanctuary and supplying breast cancer survivors with prosthetics, known as knitted knockers.

“Create hope is this year’s motto and an easy one to attain when I look at the member’s faces,” said Jennings.

“Because you care so deeply, I know we will create and ignite hope in everything we do.”

With all the formalities taken care of, members and guests of the club settled in for an afternoon of fellowship and cheer

ALSO READ: Gardens tour a blooming success

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