Donors celebrate World Blood Day with donations

The Northmead donor centre collected 22 units of blood on the day.

To celebrate World Blood Day on June 14, scores of blood donors flocked to the South African National Blood Service’s (SANBS) donor centres to donate blood, thereby ensuring the availability of safe blood reserves.

The donor centre in Northmead collected 22 units of blood and 16 platelet and plasma donations.

Regular donor Sandy Botha said how SANBS phlebotomists dealt with donors and executed their tasks was flawless and would put even those with a fear of needles at ease.

“Imagine the fear patients in dire need of blood transfusions feel. Is a fear of needles more overwhelming than the battles that they are facing?” she asked.

“Most of us will never physically save a life, but 30 minutes spent donating blood comes close.”

The SANBS donor centre is on 2 Fourteenth Avenue, Northmead, and opens at 10:00 daily.

For more information, contact 011 897 4951.

ALSO READ: SANBS launches Good Hood campaign to reach donors closer to home

ALSO READ: Vox: Why have you decided to become a regular blood donor?


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