Kids Haven matriculants excited about the future

“Our results are dedicated to our Kids Haven family.”

While every 2022 matriculant across the country sat on edge waiting to receive their results, so too did five residents of Kids Haven.

Huddled together with their house mothers reciting silent prayers, the group of teens cheered with glee when messages started coming through confirming that three learners had received bachelor’s passes and another two diploma passes.

“We are incredibly proud of our learners. They did not only work incredibly hard to attain matric passes but they committed every day to rise above their circumstances,” said Terri Heatlie, assistant director at Kids Haven.

Angelique (19) became a resident of the Kids Haven Village at the age of 14.

She had come to Gauteng from Kwa-Zulu Natal after becoming eligible for a bursary at a high school offering boarding facilities.

“At that stage, I had not lived in one place for longer than a month and was often braving the streets with my mother,” said Angelique.

“I was excited to be off the streets but, unfortunately, boarding was not ideal and I thankfully became part of the Kids Haven family.”

The former Willowmoore High learner said that the facility had become her home and the caregivers of her moms.

It was a place not only of safety but also where she was able to experience a mother’s love.

“Kids Haven has given me a space where I can live and learn in earnest,” she said. “A place where love and support are truly unconditional.”

Bettina (19) became a resident of the village at the age of 10 and admits that settling in at the facility was easy, partly because of her age and because it instantly became home and a warm family.

Attending Lee Rand High, she laughs as she admits that although she was nervous to receive her results, she did her utmost to achieve academically.

“Our house mothers offered us so much support during the exams, often just letting us cry when we felt overwhelmed,” said Bettina.

“As sisters, we worked together, setting up study groups to systematically work through the workload.”

As these ladies prepare to spread their wings, they admit that they will remain connected to the facility, which has not only been their home but also gave them a family.

“I have applied to various tertiary institutions to study computer science and hope to soon receive confirmation of acceptance,” said Angelique.

“However, if that does not happen I want to study towards my teaching degree.”

Bettina is hoping to make a career as a military nurse or an air hostess.

“I like the discipline that the army offers, partnered with the opportunity to help others,” said Bettina.

According to Terri, although Kids Haven does not have the financial means to assist school-leaving residents with tertiary education, they assist in applying for NSFS.

“Our children, however, are welcome to remain at the facility during their studies and we offer them the support that they need throughout,” said Terri.

“We strive to always be home for our children and ensure that they are stable before stepping out into the world.”

For these girls, a world of opportunities awaits thanks to the solid foundation that was built at their home at the Kids Haven Village.

ALSO READ: Learners taught valuable lessons at Kids Haven career expo

ALSO READ: Kids Haven Teen Hub is open


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