#WomensMonth: Muslim women proudly serve the community

"The Benoni community are the pillars that ensure our organisation’s projects succeed."

While discussing the hardships faced by many within their community, a group of empathetic mothers decided to band together to extend a helping hand to those in need.

Formally meeting for the first time in 2006, the 13 women established the Benoni Ladies Forum (BLF) which, for the past 16 years, has played an active role in helping others.

Passionate about community work, yet so humble to not speak too much of herself, the City Times recently met with Amina Bhabha, one of the organisation’s founding members and current chairperson.

Matriculating from the William Hills Secondary School, in Actonville, Amina describes her life as a blessing, with her roots firmly rooted within the Muslim community of Benoni.

Spending 37 years of her adult life in the city, the Lakefield mom of five believes that by doing good for others, you will be blessed by Allah.

“Our organisation is affiliated to the South African National Muslim Women’s Forum (SANMWF) and we take our role within the community very serious,” said Bhabha.

“We drive various projects every month which not only helps others but ensure that we are actively involved.

“Being able to touch another person’s life is a fortunate opportunity.”

Of their continuous work, Amina says that the BLF members work tirelessly to reach out to all spheres of the community, hosting fun and inclusive outreach programmes for orphans, grannies as well as domestic workers.

“Apart from our planned projects many of our initiatives are spur of the moment that stem from immediate needs due to unforeseen tragedies,” she said.

“Thanks to the continued support from our loyal sponsors and team of volunteers, we could send a truckload of relief packages to KwaZulu-Natal following the devastating floods, earlier this year.”

She continued saying although she leads the BLF team, none of the work that has been done could have reached fruition if it was not for every woman’s selfless dedication.

“Time is one of the most valuable commodities we have access to and by giving one’s time you are giving a piece of yourself to someone in need,” said Amina.

“Whether it is spoiling a granny or handing a care package to someone in dire need, by giving your time you are showing that person they matter and that you value them.”

With a twinkle in her eye, she tells how charitable deeds and acts of kindness have become the norm with her now adult children.

“My continuous scurrying from one project to another must have rubbed off on them, as they each participate in outreach and charitable projects,” she said.

“I am proud to see what they are doing and believe that by leading through example, they have become the caring individuals that they are.”

For more information regarding BLF or to volunteer email benoni.ladies.forum@gmail.com or follow them on Facebook.

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