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Why pet vaccinations are important

One overlooked benefit is that each vaccination consult includes a physical examination of the patient.

Vaccinations are one of the cornerstones of preventing disease in dogs and cats.

They help protect by exposing your pet to a weakened or inactive form of the virus.

In response, your pet’s immune system will produce antibodies against that disease. This way, when your pet is exposed to the wild form of the virus, they are more equipped to defend themselves.

Vaccine-preventable diseases, such as parvo in dogs, are not only costly to treat but can cause severe clinical symptoms.

Some diseases like distemper (in dogs) and feline leukaemia virus (in cats) are incredibly difficult to treat and can have long-term consequences that affect the rest of the animal’s life. Rabies vaccination is required by law as there is no cure and the virus can be passed to humans.

Despite what people may think, rabies is still endemic in South Africa.

Puppies should receive their first vaccination at six to eight weeks old. Thereafter, they receive boosters monthly until their last booster at 16 weeks.

These vaccinations include the “5-in-1 shot” and rabies.

The “5-in-1” shot protects against parvo, distemper, parainfluenza and two types of adenovirus (one of which can cause hepatitis).

Kennel cough is an optional vaccination that can be added to the schedule if the owner requests.

Once the course of puppy vaccinations is complete, it is then advised that vaccinations are boosted annually in adult dogs.

Kittens should receive their first vaccination at nine weeks old. Thereafter, they are given two more boosters at monthly intervals.

These vaccinations include a “3-in-1 shot” and rabies. The “3-in-1 shot” protects against feline panleukopaenia (which is similar to parvo in dogs), feline rhinotracheitis and feline calicivirus (which is a leading cause of snuffles).

Vaccinating for the feline leukaemia virus is highly recommended, especially for cats that are allowed to wander.
Yearly vaccine boosters are advised in adult cats.

Many owners don’t see the point of annual vaccinations in adult animals. One overlooked benefit is that each vaccination consult includes a physical examination of the patient.

During the examination, the vet will check their teeth, heart and body condition. In healthy animals, this may be the only time they see a vet, which means it’s the only opportunity the vet has to pick up on early signs of disease.

A disease picked up in the early stages is easier to manage, progresses slower and has less impact on the longevity of the patient.

The vet would also be able to advise on diet and other preventative healthcare that is appropriate for your pet’s current life stage.

Don’t allow your pets to get sick from preventable diseases.

Discuss any queries you may have with your veterinarian.

• Information: Mercury Street Veterinary Hospital.

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