Interact Club continues to inspire

The club donated vegetables, soup packs and bread among other items.

The Willowmoore High School Interact Club donated food parcels to the Salvation Army Benoni Corps on April 28.

The club donated vegetables, soup packs and bread among other items.

The club’s 2022 president, Taahir Motara, told the City Times they pride themselves on contributing positively to society.

“The club does community work. It puts others first, that’s our job. It’s not about making a difference, it’s about being the difference.

“Ghandi said ‘be the change you want to see in the world’. That’s what we live by. We make sure we invest in our community projects,” Motara said.

The Willowmoore High School Interact Club president Taahir Motara.

“Giving back is of the utmost importance. Whether it’s sending water to KZN, or giving food and clothes to the needy. That’s what we try to do, being the difference.”

According to The Salvation Army’s Antonette Grobler, since the start of Covid19 donations to the organisation have dropped and as result, they have been battling to keep up with the demand as the number of people dependent on the organisation for food has also increased.

“With Covid19, we have been struggling. The need has increased as a result of job losses. We are battling to keep up with the demand.

“The kindness shown to us today shows that there are still people with hearts out there and willing to help us live to our motto of ‘heart to God, hand to man’. We are extremely humbled and thankful for what we’ve received here today,” Grobler said.

Also Read: Willowmoore High receives food donation from Rotarians

She added that although the number of dependants has increased, nobody went to bed on an empty stomach.

The Salvation Army’s Benoni Goodwill Centre’s Antonette Grobler.

“The number has tripled and we are battling to keep up but thanks to the beautiful people of Benoni and beyond for helping us. I’m grateful to say that nobody goes to bed hungry.”

Educator Sharol Naidoo said the club aims to instil the right leadership values in the learners so that they make a difference in other people’s lives.

“The only way to develop citizens is to teach them the right values. My premise is to change the world one story at a time. This interact club allows us to change one person who in turn will another 50 people.

“I find it inspiring that we can actually make a difference in young people’s lives to be future leaders. Most importantly, we are developing leaders with the right values. Leadership is not a title. Leadership is actually being involved in the community and believing in the general well-being of every single person,” said Naidoo

Also Read: Interact club donates to NPO


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