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Learners stand united in service

Every act of kindness is charity.

Benoni High School’s Interact Club has grown from a handfull of participating members to a staggering 140 learners.

The exponential growth is attributed to change in mindset and the realisation of the growing need for help, following the stringent Covid 19 lockdown measures.

Interact is affiliated to Rotary International, which calls the youth into service within their community whilst developing leadership skills.

Meeting with the club’s six board members, it is easy to forget that the organisation is led by matriculants as their passion overshadows their youth.

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“Before Covid we were pretty much sheltered from the plight of those in need, our previous Interact projects introduced us to charity organisations which created a sense that poverty was outside our comfort zones,” said Tadi Chignada (17).

“However, when Covid hit I was hearing of friends whose parents lost their jobs and as a direct result entire families were dumped into financial hardships. So many people had to fight for survival.”

As learners became more detached from routine and social interaction the Interact team became more vocal about the clubs’ strong values and ethos.

Add to that the positive energy or the club’s coordinator, Ashley Stoltz and the club membership sky rocketed.

According to Zayanah Laher (17), chairperson, club activities are prioritised to the benefit of fellow learners.

“We currently support 40 anonymous learners with food and care parcels,” she said.

“We ensure that the parcel sees to the needs of the entire family because if a learner does not have a lunch for school, there is obviously no food at home for the family.

“Our school has become an extension of our homes and we want to do our upmost to ensure that everyone within this safe environment is looked after.”

During the course of the year the club will once again be visiting House Thandi, in Northmead as well as The Almond Tree Village, in Van Ryn.

“Visiting these institutions that offer a safe haven for vulnerable children is something that is near to my heart. The children did not fuss about the gifts or treats we brought but they appreciated us playing with them,” said Tebello Mokone (17).

“Seeing their smiles has enriched my life beyond measure.”

BHS Interact Club has also committed to serve as a donation drop-off point for the Santa Shoebox initiative, which provides little ones with a festive care packages.

For more information about Interact or to assist with donations, email Ashley Stoltz at astoltz@bhs.co.za or follow them on Instagram a bhs.interact.

ALSO READ: Benoni High School Spring Hat Day for animal charity


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