Help Elethu Cheshire home beat winter’s chill

The home is need of winter clothes such as jackets, jerseys and socks.

Winter is creeping in and Elethu Cheshire Home for the disabled in Daveyton needs your help to keep their residents warm.

The home needs winter clothes such as jackets, jerseys, socks, hats, scarfs, gloves, blankets, and adult nappies.

Elethu is also in need of soup ingredients such as green soup, green bones, and soup packets.

Sandile Mafu, Elethu Cheshire Home manager said the year 2021 was a good year.

“Two of our staff members and some of our residents who are living with disabilities attended a programme with Boston City Campus in collaboration with Azania Help Foundation and Real Estate Educators Association (REEA) Foundation for six months.

“They graduated and received certificates in the Life Skills Training programme, completion and workshop exposure and contact centre support

“Attendees received a bursary of a sum of R25 000 to further studies with Boston City Campus. The residents also attended a skills programme, basic adult education in literacy and numeracy, and basic computer literacy with Triple E Foundation,” said Mafu.

Mafu said residents are this year continuously busy with arts and craft activities.

“They are busy with the creation of sculptures using paper mache, using recycling material such as old newspapers, bottles and tins.

“We need donations of arts and craft materials such as paints, paintbrushes, crayons, pencils and any other basic art supplies. We also need a basketball pole and net, soccer ball, volleyball net and table tennis. These items will be used for physiotherapy and to keep the residents active during the day,” said Mafu.

Mafu said the residents are receiving physiotherapy sessions twice a month from the main clinic.

Meanwhile, Elethu is still running a charity shop. The shop is open Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00. The shop aims to raise funds to afford its daily operations at the Home.

Donations of clothes, books, toys, cutlery, bedding and curtains are welcomed.

Also Read: Elethu Cheshire Home in Daveyton is looking for a home manager

Also Read: Assist by donating to Elethu Cheshire Home


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