Help SANBS have a happier Easter

SANBS is in need of sufficient bloodstock to cope with holiday periods.

Easter weekend places additional pressure on the national blood supply.

This is according to Terrence Pillay, SANBS donor relations practitioner.

“Many people drive long distances to spend time with loved ones and road accidents as a result unfortunately increase,” he explained.

“However, while we need sufficient bloodstock to cope with holiday periods such as the Easter weekend, by far the greatest proportion of blood is required in other situations such as childbirth and for cancer patients.

“So many people in life-threatening situations require blood. It’s what saves that haemorrhaging mother’s life so she can raise and love the baby she has just brought into the world.

“It’s what saves someone suffering complications during major surgery. It’s what helps cancer patients endure and survive treatment. It’s not just blood. It’s saving people’s lives through a simple, easy donation.”

The SANBS is making an earnest appeal for South Africans to step forward and make a donation of blood, today and to consider becoming regular donors.

“By donating blood only four times a year, we can easily avoid critical blood shortages,” Pillay said.

To find out more about donating blood and to locate your nearest SANBS donor centre, visit or call 0800 11 90 31.

If you want to receive news alerts via WhatsApp, send a WhatsApp message (not SMS) with your name and surname only to 060 532 5409. You can also join the SANBS conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Benoni donor centre is at 42 14th Avenue, Northmead. Contact them on 011 897 4951.

Also Read: SANBS out and about to collect blood

Also Read: Three donors honoured by SANBS


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