Grooming the country’s next leaders

“I’m not saying we will stop this kind of behaviour but what we are doing can bring upon change in our community. I want to pass the baton onto coming generations to continue playing their part until we effect change in Daveyton.”

Daveyton resident Kenneth Sithole believes that one must lead by example to be the change they want to see in the world.

The 25-year old founder of Mr and Miss Daveyton and Elite Kings and Queens NPO lives his life to the fullest.

During our visit to his base at the Daveyton Home for the Physically Disabled, we find him hard at work grooming the next elite kings and queens of Daveyton.

“We are grooming the next leaders of South Africa. When you say we are grooming the next Mr and Miss South Africa, you are limiting us. We are more than that,” he said.

We ask him why the word elite features prominently in his vocabulary, he said: “I’ve always seen myself as an elite person. I tackle life in an elite way.”

Sithole, himself a model, explained that his mission in life is to contribute positively to his community. He said he is willing to do this one child at a time.

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“Sports was dominant when I was growing up but today it’s not like that anymore. Young people are doing drugs and getting pregnant while others are often in trouble with the law.

“I’m not saying we will stop this kind of behaviour but what we are doing can bring about change in our community. I want to pass the baton onto coming generations to continue playing their part until we affect change in Daveyton.”

He told the paper that he started modelling in 2018. He has taken part in five pageants and has titles for each. He said modelling fuelled him to give back to his community.

“Be the change you want to see. For me to effect change, I have to lead by example. I tell the children that as a person you have to be guided by ethics and have to love yourself before you can love someone else.”

He said with his organisation, he hopes to change the mindset of the youth in Daveyton.

“We have to strike the iron while it’s hot. I used all my titles to give back. I tell these models to do charity work.
“Taking that first step is important. I have already taken it. I want the Daveyton community to be on the map of active communities in South Africa.

Plus-size model Jennipher Makgetlaneng said the pageants have helped her to love herself the way she is.
“I have been modelling since I was nine. It has increased my self-esteem and confidence. I’m now a role model to many young chubby girls.

“Being plus-sized is hard because we are always bullied because of our body. To see all these young girls standing up and loving themselves the way they make me happy.

“We are discriminated against but modelling has taught me that I can wear a high-heeled shoe and still walk like a size 28 person. I can do everything that they can do,” Makgetlaneng said.

The Elite Kings and Queens will take place on May 7 while Mr and Miss Daveyton will be staged on September 24.

For more information, you may contact Sithole on 082 096 4055.

Also Read: Miss Benoni first princess (19) aims to start a modelling agency


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