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Northmead child wants cancer patients to feel loved

Anyone who would like to contribute to this initiative can contact Michael on 061 484 1138.

Northmead resident eight-year-old Nadia Olivier wants to make children who have cancer feel loved.

She was watching a YouTube video showing people in America giving gifts to children with cancer. Unsure of the reasoning, the youngster had an urge to understand more about children who stay in hospital for long periods.

“She came to me and said she wants to collect teddy bears for the children who are in hospital, but specifically the ones with no hair,” her mum, Lea Olivier, explained.

“She did not understand what cancer is, so we explained to her and she was adamant that she wants to spread some love to those children.”

Nadia decided to call her initiative The Teddy Bear Organisation.

“I have been collecting teddies since June,” Nadia explained.

“I told my mum I don’t want the children in hospital to have no presents and it is important to give.

“I am also collecting puzzles and dolls. I will give the dolls to little girls in hospitals and puzzles to the elderly in the old age homes.”

Supported by her family, Nadia’s brother, Michael (17), contacted the City Times to ask for some exposure for his sister’s initiative.

“We are asking the community to assist us in collecting the teddies, puzzles and dolls,” Michael said.

“So far we have collected about 75 teddy bears, some of which are Nadia’s. Any teddy bears, complete puzzle pieces and dolls that are in good condition are welcomed.”

The family aims to drop off the items at hospitals in Benoni and outside of Benoni should they have any extra.

If anyone would like to contribute, Michael may be contacted on 061 484 1138.

Also Read: Teddy bears make young ones smile

Also Read: Freemasons give out teddy bears on National Children’s Day


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