UPDATE: Metro’s response to Karachi Court living conditions

Tenants are advised to log a complaint with the metro in cases of service delivery.

Following an article published recently by the City Times, titled Karachi Court resident not happy with living conditions, Zweli Dlamini, spokesperson of the metro, responded to the enquiry is as follows:


The metro has no security at council-owned facilities.


Refuse is collected every week on Wednesdays and Fridays. Tenants are advised to log a complaint with the metro in cases of service delivery.


There is one caretaker appointed by the metro; however, the cleaning is done by general workers. The cleanliness of the staircase will be brought to their attention to ensure it is cleaned.

Vacant flats

Vacant flats will only be filled as and when requests for accommodation are received, and only qualified tenants will be allocated flats.

Eroding water pipes

There are no damaged water pipes at Karachi Court.


 Karachi Court resident not happy with living conditions 


Keeping up with Council 



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