Residents without wheelie bins for over two months

“The metro shall continue to render quality and sustainable services to the ratepayers and residents of Ekurhuleni at all times,” he concluded.

The metro has not had any stock of wheelie bins for over two months, which has resulted in a list of over 200 residents waiting to receive bins.

This is according to Ward 28 councillor Mary Goby.

She highlighted that inexplicably these residents are still being charged for refuse collection service they are simply not receiving.

“As a result, residents have to inconveniently take their refuse directly to the dumpsite. In some cases, the refuse is being dumped illegally, which has become a burgeoning problem for the metro.”

Goby added that the metro has once again let residents down by failing in their duty to provide service delivery.

“This time by not providing wheelie bins, which allows residents with the means to correctly dispose of their waste.

“Some residents have started to pay private service providers to remove the refuse, which is an indictment on the administration in Ekurhuleni who simply cannot meet their constitutionally mandated service delivery commitments to residents.”

The spokesperson of the metro, Zweli Dlamini, said the metro is under immense pressure to meet the demand for wheelie bins.

He explained it must be noted that the monthly waste management tariff is not for the receptacle (240l wheelie bins) but the collection, transportation, treatment and safe disposal of waste.

“The metro is collecting bags in the affected area to ensure we at least adhere to our constitutional mandate.

“With the above said, residents can rest assured that the metro is working tirelessly to secure a procurement vehicle to curb any service delivery challenges in this regard.”

Dlamini added that the metro will source stock, in the interim, to unlock the bottlenecks in the affected area.

“We will resolve this predicament within the second quarter of this financial year, as the tender procurement process would have been concluded then.

“The metro shall continue to render quality and sustainable services to the ratepayers and residents of Ekurhuleni at all times,” he concluded.


Ekurhuleni metro’s waste services restored 


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