A brush with local artists: meet Susan Smit

Susan enjoys doing portraits, especially of colourful ethnic characters, but apart from portraits, she also does landscape and still-life paintings.

Morehill resident Susan Smit has been painting her whole life. The art enthusiast asked what the world would be without art.

She loves beauty and wants to create beautiful things that will help in making the world a better, beautiful place, and she wants to uplift herself and others through art.

The 75-year-old started as a watercolourist and further developed to acrylics, oils and mixed media and textured painting.

Susan enjoys doing portraits, especially of colourful ethnic characters, but apart from portraits, she also does landscape and still-life paintings.

One of Susan Smit’s paintings. Photo: Supplied.

The Benoni Art Route members described her as a humble woman with immense talent who believes she’s not any different from any other artists.

Benoni Art Route is open to anyone with a passion for drawing, painting and sculpture.

For more information on how to join the Benoni Art Route contact Alice Muller on 082 578 7234 or at benoniartroute.ali@gmail.com or visit www.benoniartroute.co.za


A brush with local artists: meet Alice Muller

A brush with local artists: meet Larry Mervitz


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