Daveyton special effects make-up artist is extraordinary

Her plans are to grow her brand, work side by side with various local media houses and the ultimate goal is to be an international brand.

Daveyton’s self-taught beauty and special effects make-up (SFX) artist Zandile Mfazwe wants to make a name for herself in the film and television industry.

Zandile, who is a self-employed mobile artist, started the journey three years ago.

The 29-year-old said she realised at an early age that she is passionate about make-up and she had a natural talent for it.

“I was very observant on the make-up of grown-up, especially teachers, and I would compare their looks and always felt like there’s another level to be explored,” said Zandile.

Special effects make-up was done on one of Zandile Mafwe’s friends. Photo: Supplied.

“However, I was unable to pursue it because of my childhood background. I was raised by my sister who was in her early 20s and no one was working; therefore, I was forced to focus on my studies and forget about my dreams of being a make-up artist.”

The self-driven woman said her love for make-up grew and that’s when she started teaching herself through various sources and she started making homemade products.

She explained that she chose this kind of craft because it challenged her all the time.


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“It pushes you to do better. I love the fact that the make-up landscape is wider and you can push the boundaries in so many areas. “You have to be creative, which is one of my strengths.

“What I love about make-up is that it always gives you room to explore and tell a story. I’ve been fascinated by people working behind the scenes, creating magic in the television and film-making industry.”

Her plans are to grow her brand, work side by side with various local media houses and the ultimate goal is to be an international brand.

Zandile Mfazwe did a special make-up effect on herself. Photo: Supplied.

Zandile has started a YouTube channel as a way of creating more contact, as well as giving tutorials for anyone interested in special effects make-up but can’t afford to go to school for it.

She showcases her work on all her social media platforms.

She also encourages young people to never change their dreams.

“It takes only one person to believe in you and invest in your dreams and that for me was my partner. Work hard, believe in your craft, don’t do it for the money and let your work speak for itself,” she said.

For more of her work, visit her YouTube channel: Zandile Mafwe/All things makeup or email her at Zandilemfazwe@icloud.com


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